Last Epoch Wiki

For usage see Template:Base Uniques.

This module imports Module:Equipment.

local cargo = mw.ext.cargo
local Equipment = require('Module:Equipment').List

local p = {}
function p.Shell( frame )
    local args = frame.args
    local fieldstable = {
    local tables = 'Equipment'
    local fields = table.concat(fieldstable,",")
    -- optional parameters are grouped in one table
    -- you can omit any or all of them, except joinOn if you use more than one table
    local cargoquery = { where = ('ItemName="%s"'):format( }
    local row = cargo.query( tables, fields, cargoquery )[1]
    if not row then return args.default end
    local uniquery = Equipment{where = ('(ItemBase="%s" AND NOT ItemName="%s")' .. '%s'):format( (row.Rarity == 'Base' and row.ItemName or row.ItemBase),(row.ItemName),(row.Rarity ~= 'Base' and 'OR ItemName="' .. row.ItemBase .. '"' or '') ),Affixes='show',SetMods='show',FlavorText='show'}
    if not uniquery then return args.default end
    return mw.html.create():wikitext('<h2>' .. (row.Rarity == 'Base' and 'Equipment Based on ' .. row.ItemName  or 'Equipment Based on ' .. row.ItemBase) .. '</h2>') , uniquery
--  . . .
return p